User FeedbackMichael Stoltzfus: Hey, thanks so much for the Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD)! Since I downloaded it a few months ago, I have really been astounded by the functionality of it and THE INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF TOOLS supplied with it. I have a small computer repair shop and the disc has been very helpful. So far I have been able to resurrect 2 hard drives that I thought were junk as well quickly clean off some other computers. Keep up the good work, and if it helps, I live in Africa, where this disc is the salvation for many virus-ridden computers. Thank-you again. Richard: This is the one CD that works!!!!! I have made a few like this to help repair, and recover the damned, and broken computers, for those who have paid nicely to have their Computers repaired. I have made a donation for your cause, because I am now a believer in your quest to help the frustrated, me included, make haste of long drawn out disk healing. Thank you so very much for taking the time to make such an awesome CD. Steve Coffman: Thanks much for UBCD! I was able to recover a Windows XP system where the SAM registry hive (where the local Users & Groups reside) was totally corrupt and no one could log in, and I couldn't even log in to the local Administrator account - I attempted to use Petter Nordahl-Hagen's Offline NT Password & Registry Editor to reset the password, thinking initially that someone had set the wrong one, or it had been changed or corrupted, but no local User accounts even existed - including the default Administrator account! Using NTFS4DOS I was able to run a disk check on the HD repairing some damage, then I was able to manually restore the registry files from the initial Windows install, which allowed me to finally then boot into Safe Mode and log into the local Admin account so I could restore a current registry backup from the System Restore folders. It was a fair amount of work, but the upshot is I was able to totally restore the system without any data loss. Since this was an administrator's laptop, it saved me a lot of potential headaches... Couldn't have done it without your UBCD - thanks again! Xin-Xin Zheng: Thank you so much for making this tool available! I managed to break two PCs simultaneously yesterday. My boss was pissed. Now using your tool, I've managed to fix one of them. A simple MBR thing. Jonathan: Thanks for UBCD man, it totally rocks! I'm spreading the gospel and copies down here in Durban, South Africa. Jon Tanke: Thanks for a GREAT disc! It's saved me a ton of time and headaches! Craig Bennett: Yeah! Your UBCD rocks my world. Recently helped a friend get his computer back up and running with it. Aaron K: I've been using the Ultimate Boot CD at work for a while now, and I finally felt given today's events it was appropriate to thank you for maintaining it and all the work you've done on it. I had a HP Server crap all over a RAID array at work today on an important production server that recently had a $7000 piece of software installed on it - of course there were no backups. The partition table was trashed, boot sector ruined, and general partition structure jumbled. I knew the raw data was still there (I could tell using the apps on the CD), but I had to rebuild the bootable portions of the hard drive. Using UBCD I was able to successfully recover the partition structure, flag the proper partition as bootable, rebuild the boot sector, and edit the boot.ini file. I have found your Boot CD to absolutely useful in 1000 ways in my daily tasks as a Network Analyst. I also consistently use it for a general "DOS Network Boot Disk", thus replacing my old 1.44 floppy standbys (Darn computers lately shipping without floppy drives too!) Keep up the great work - you really saved my butt today even if you don't know it. THANKS AGAIN! Robert Cline: I do a lot of experimenting with my computer systems; some call it "hacking". Anyway, I was using KNOPPIX a couple days ago. And, while going through some of the "HACKS" from the book "Knoppix Hacks", I messed up two 120GB HDDs (my system hung while running the shred program) (twice). I tried several different ideas to boot and run a recovery tool when I recalled the manufacturer's utilities you include on the UBCD, so I thought I would give your disk a try. I booted your CD, selected the Hard Disk Tools, ran Western Digital's Data Lifeguard, and was able to repair both drives in a matter of minutes. I'm sure I could have fixed these drives with other techniques, but this was so fast and easy why bothers. Thanks for such an outstanding tool. I have witnessed the evolution of your masterpiece and I really like the progress you and your collaborators have made. Keep up the good work. Nathaniel: Your Ultimate Boot CD is great! I just downloaded your newest version (3.2) and it's even better than the last one I used. I especially like the addition of Insert. It's nice to have all of those great tools, plus a live Linux distro that doesn't even use that much space. I burned you UBCD onto a small 210MB CD and it works great and easily fits in my pocket. Excellent job and keep up the good work. Zbynek Petrik: Jesus! I haven't been so mad about any PC-related product for a LONG time till I found Ultimate Boot CD. This is what I always wanted. It proves that free software can do anything that paid one can. I especially appreciate the possibility of customizing the CD. Very good job. Thank you and good luck! Jeff Taylor: I run a small computer business and use this software on a regular basis. This has to be the best collection of tools I have ever used, and best of all, it's legal. Errol Schmit: Bought Norton System Works 2005 Premier Edition and made the mistake of installing "Go Back" which slowed my system to a crawl. Trying to remove it became a nightmare, it became "The Guest That Wouldn't Leave"! Deleting two files in a desperate attempt to keep it from trying to reinstall itself resulted in the destruction of the boot sector. My friend and Guru Larry Burgess spent a day and a half trying to resurrect it without success, until he finally tried "The Ultimate Boot CD". THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! Robert: I'm working at a computer store in Sweden as technician, Finding what problem customers PC's have has never been that easy before, knowing whatever hardware that person may have I will have the right tool, regarding harddrive/mobo and memory i know that I will have the best tools on earth to throw at that PC. Many thanks to that/those people who made this CD a reality, Have been using it for about 8-12 months already and never have I been so happy for any software as this contribution. I hope this will only get bigger and better. Trust me, there is nothing else on this earth that even comes close to this software. Pootang Danang: Ultimate Boot CD is the BEST bootable recovery medium i have ever used. I have tried many others including "Hirens Boot CD" but they are all no match, i am also glad to see that you have include "antivir" my own personal favorite antivirus. KUDOS! Mike G: Ultimate Boot CD has saved my ass so many times from another headache or just more work than was needed. You have saved me an unimaginable amount of time and stress with this handy utility. Phil Craven: Has to be "THE BEST TOOL" in an I.T.'s kit. I have use it on almost every version of Windows OS and it has never let me down. I own several other software diagnostic tools but your is by far the best. The great thing about it is it's free for everyone. I always supply a copy with each system I work on. You did just an outstanding job and continue to do so. Keep up the great work. Lee Robertson: I wanted to thank you for the great job with the Ultimate Boot CD. It has been a great tool to help with clients' computers. I will be providing a link to your site from my troubleshooting page so people can download it. Sly Glaouenn: I am a french student. I discovered Ultimate Boot CD few months ago... And I love it! I often use it in my work and think is the most complete boot CD I have ever seen. I just wanted to say you that was a very nice job.. and THANK YOU for this excellent tool!!! Rudolf Finszter: I want to congratulate you that you do this huge and excellent work with UBCD. It is the most complete collection I have ever seen, and gives me the most powerful toolset. In short as a computer expert: I love it! Brandon Chatham: I just wanted to say thank you for making this boot CD. I have a Sony VAIO laptop that the HDD went bad and I used the CD and recovered my files by copying them to a USB zipdrive, all thanks to you!! Thank you! Darren: Overall it is a good CD and will go well with my other tools (I am a computer tech). Keep up the good work and keep squashing the bugs. David E. Smith: The Ultimate Boot CD has saved me countless hours of time and tinkering. Thanks thanks thanks for your hard work on it! Daniel Dofton: Thanks so much. Now I can stop sending death-threats to Maxtor about not having a PowerMax disk image for us non-Windows folk. Maffioli Mirko: Ultimate Boot CD is the best utility CD that i ever seen before!!!! Very very good product! Himanshu Agarwal: I was really shocked, when I came to know about your Ultimate Boot CD. I was surfing net, searching for "easy recovery professional" on Google last week. It showed your link, so I clicked it on. Then, WOW....you are really great. You have done a great hard job SIR. All requirements in one single CD, even less than 150MB. It's really amazing and how simply it is to use. Many praise from my side and those using UBCD. Serge van Erkelens: Greeting from Holland!!! Just another true believer in UBCD is falling on his knees to the Master!! A month ago I made my own bootcd with Ghost, Part.Mag and OSL2000 bootmanager, wondering what to put on it next? Until I saw THIS !!! Man! What have you done??! So many things I ever wanted to try, are on it!! All reachable again in the modern PC world.. Fantastic!! Thanks!!! Keep up!! Gary Flaitz: High praise for all your hard work!!!!!!!!! I have an HP Pavilion XL768 pc that has had hangups, conflicts and errors for over a year. I tried all the things I had at my disposal, but was unable to solve the problems. Was looking at replacing the pc when I discovered your CD in an article published in PC World. I burned a copy and ran the Windows memory tests. It found a bad memory module I had purchased from Crucial. I sent back the module and Crucial is sending me a replacement. Thank you very much. Jarrod Smith: Thanks for the great compilation. None of my systems have a floppy drive, so this CD is going to be worth its weight in gold whenever I have hardware problems. It just allowed me make an RMA to Maxtor (they make you submit a valid PowerMax diagnostic code) on a system that has no floppy drive nor Windows installation. I could not have done it without this CD. Robert L Vaughan Jr: Have used your CD extensively for my work. This donation is well worth the time and effort it has saved me. I hope you continue with the effort. Ben Hamlin: I just thought send you a quick e-mail letting you now that the Ultimate Boot CD is a fantastic tool! Keep up the hard work - I am sure for every person who sends you an e-mail about how good the CD is, there are twenty who just think it. Øystein Sund: You've done a great job making Ultimate Boot CD! It's almost perfect! Jon Bach, Owner, Puget Custom Computers : We build custom computers, and are constantly in need of various boot disks to test our machines. The Ultimate Boot CD has definitely been the single most useful CD we have! Instead of making dozens of boot CDs (or taking the time to make our own boot compilation CD), we simply downloaded UBCD, and now always have at least a half dozen of these CDs floating around our shop. We are very appreciative of the time you have put into creating this tool. THANK YOU for such a great resource! Mario Suriani: Your CD saved me, like so many others, from a lot of needless grief. Symantec Ghost tanked my NTFS boot drive, replacing it with it's own FAT boot drive on a machine running mission critical apps. Symantec support sent me a message, "We can get to you in about a week." I would have been toast had I not found your CD which enabled me to get everything back in order. Stitchz: Just to say thanks for Ultimate Boot CD :) I had a HD die on me, and since I don't use a floppy drive, the UBCD program was really helpful for the Seagate diagnostic program. Marcus Widén: The Ultimate Boot CD is actually a dream come true, what great utilities to have on one CD! Bob Prosperi: Thanks for making and sharing this useful little set of tools. I've just assembled most of these same utils as separate boot disks, but your bootable CDROM solution is *much* more convenient. Peter Laltoo: Let me say what a great program Ultimate Boot CD is .....it's saved my hide on more than one occasion, especially since I don't have a floppy drive (they're pretty much dead nowadays). Chris R: One of the main reasons your CD is so great is because its simple and its LOADED with the features all of us tech's are to busy/lazy to create. Thats why we implore you to keep it simple and remember to shove as much as you can on it as well. Zhi Wong: Thanks for making the UBCD! I had been wanting to make something like this for myself, but it's such a pain in the ass to make a multiboot CD. Pete: I think its BRILLIANT what you've put together, its EXACTLY what I've wanted to put together for a while myself but not had the time to learn how to do. Nearly all the tools you include are the very things I would have included, things I already carry around on floppy disk, so I'll now be that much lighter and better organised. It's the kindof self explanatory tool I was able to download this morning and take out with me and use during the day on various broken systems without reading any documentation whatsoever. Fabrice Hertz: Thank you very very very much! I'm just downloading now... but I know it will be great, I wanted to do such a thing, you are the best! You give us the possibility to add our own images! Thank you! Guillaume: Thanks for the creation of this BootCD! I use it at work and it's very useful as I'm a computer tech ;)) Ben Schram: Top work man! I very much greatly appreciate your work on the UBCD. Keep it up. Jeannette Randall: You guys saved my ass with your CD. Scott D. Wares: I gave a copy of the UBCD to one of the Windows deskop support folks at work and they were really jazzed. They looked at all the disk utilities and said, "Do you know how much time I've spent tring to find these on the net?" Rolando Ramos Torres: I was looking for a tool like this some time ago. I really appreciate that you guys are developing this software. Chris: I have just found your Boot CD, and all I can say is WOW it is great! Eric Wood: Thanks for making such a kick-ass CD. It's extremely helpful and I've told a half dozen people about it and they love it too. Brent Midwood: UltimateBootCD saved my ass today after Partition Magic and XP Recovery Console couldn't. I had my system partition unbootable and I couldn't unhide it, and your CD allowed me to do so. Josh Karli: Let me start by saying THANK YOU!!! This project of yours is the single most useful tech utility I have ever come across just because of its versatility and its customizable features. Your work is an asset to the tech community, and I thank you from each and every one of us! Herb Oldenburg: This is a great CD your working on here. It is a worthwhile project your working on. Especially for all techs and engineers supporting various platforms! Good Stuff! (kudos!!) Yayan: I'd like to say thanks for the great work you've done with Ultimate Boot CD! It's very handy and cool to have an all-in-one utilities in one CD. Matt Ross: I love your CD, and always have a mini-CD with it burned in my coat pocket! Works wonders in a pinch! Lionel Loew: Thank you for your nice job! This was really a combination of tools a was looking for a long time, and you did it in one stuff! Nice. Cliff Merrow: This CD is KKKKOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL! Bill Burkhardt: I do service calls for "Barrister Global Service Network" and this is how I found out about the "Ultimate Boot CD". I like it and think it is great, it is a nice set of tools! In fact here is a cut from an email that I received from the "Lead Technical Support Representative" at Barrister a little while ago: "All technicians are now required to bring along a copy of The Ultimate Boot CD." Herman "Kr^PacMan" Ulltin: I would like to thank you for the best troubleshooting CD there is. It's so good that you just can put in the UBCD and check if a drive has failed or memory is bad. Thank you! Dan Cornell: GOOD WORK on the Ultimate Boot CD! I ran some of the utilities and am impressed with the package you put together. Thanks for sharing it. Al Capone: Thank you! Windows went goofy on a re-install and I had to do something without having a floppy. Ultimate Boot Disk To The Rescue! Did a format (option d) and got it to install great. Damion Gundlach: Thanks for creating the best boot CD ever! Paul Schultz: Thanks for an awesome product. It has saved my ass many times. It really is a lifesaver! Edward Dekkers: Thank you for the amazing boot CD. It is a no brainer to carry around a bootable CD with everything I need instead of 2 or 3 boxes of floppy disks. Fantastic stuff. Dennis Nadbornik: I installed Linux on my external drive last night and somehow it corrupted by MBR and nothing would boot. I was sweating bullets that I would loose my Windows data and would need to rebuild my machine. I searched the net on another computer and found your product. In minutes my PC was up and running again. Awesome product!!! |